After more than 50-years in Mass Spectrometry we have learnt a lot of how this thecology can by used to solve different analyticl problems. But we have seen a lot of focus on LC/MS for a long period. But as former professor David Games once said " The worlds does not only excist about peptides" our slongan have always been "Nothing is better than the weakest link".
So we try to take care of everything!
Kovalent have most eqippment for sample preparation, chromatography and mass spectroetry.
Flash Chromatography
PureIon LC/MS
Chemalys focus on applications as well as education on your own demands. In addition we have a lot of software for better evaluation of your results.
Centri /TD SPME HS
Unity / TD
Boundle Db
Database over 1 milj spectra
Accurate mass from quadrupoles
Will be in Umeå at KBC-building March 15th 2023